Friday, November 28, 2008

Back to work!

I know I've been remiss in posting on my blog but I have a very good reason. My parents were here and I was spending as much time as I possibly could with them. They live in Jamaica, and I must confess that flying home has taken a back seat to my writing career for the past two years. I'm definitely going to fix that.

They left this morning and I cried like a baby as I waved goodbye. I'd gotten used having them around.

So...after moping for about two hours, I retreated to my office to work on the edits my CP (lets call her Little Fabulous One) sent me for my latest WIP. After about fifteen minutes the sadness disappeared and three hours later, I've only just come up for air and Thanksgiving leftovers.

I'll miss my Mommy and Daddy terribly...but its back to work in my house. After all, I've got a best seller's list to make. :)


Jax Cassidy said...

Your parents are always gonna be there for you. It's fine to miss them, I do when I see my parents for the holidays... :) At least you got to spend a lot of time so writing will always be there for you.

Kelley Nyrae said...

Yay for you. Glad you got to see your parents!

I need to find a good critique partner or group.

Abigail said...

Thanks guys!